HTML & Web Development

Photo by Niels Kehl on Unsplash

HTML & Web Development

The first thing that comes to our mind is what is web development.

web development refers to creating, building and maintaining websites it also includes design, programming, publishing, and database management.

web stands for the world wide web and is a subset of the internet, the web consists of web pages that are accessed by web browsers. web pages are created in HTML.

Development refers to building anything from scratch.

With the help of HTML, we will create a web page.

Html stands for a hypertext markup language. hypertext means text within the text when you click a link on web pages it means you click a hypertext.

A Markup language is a computer language apply layout and format, in simple words HTML provides a proper structure.

<head> it should be the first element inside the HTML element which consists meta tag and title.

<title> it's used to add the title of that HTML page which appears at top of the browser window.

<body> text between body tags describes body contents on the page visible to the end user.

<h> tag; heading tag consists of h1 to h6, h1 is the most important heading and h6 least important, " heading tag should not be used for big and bold any text".

heading tag helps search engines understand page structure.

<p>tag; paragraph tag used for writing paragraphs.

<lorem>tag; lorem tag generates random words to save time for web developers.

<img>tag; image tag consists of two attributes src and alt src used for image address and alt used for image text in case of image doesn't see to the end user.

live server continuously tracks the program and informs memory, something change happened so when we do something change in the program live server track and change itself.

it's a computer that hosts websites.

when a user request for web page and enters a URL or web address into a web browser. web browser converts URL into an IP address and sends it through the internet to a web server, web server mainly works to provide web pages after searching their database. Nowadays apache is the most famous web server.